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Staff and Students Wear Masks In School
Fri, Aug 06, 2021
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What is the recommendation to schools in Midland County from MCDPH?


MCDPH urges schools to follow the COVID-19 recommendations from MDHHS and CDC. These involve a layered approach of prevention strategies to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission to students, staff, and the greater community. Local school districts, in consultation with local public health, should select preventive strategies based on an ongoing assessment of 1) the current level of community transmission of COVID-19, 2) the current level of in-school transmission of COVID-19, and 3) the capacity of the school’s facilities, staff, and resources.

Requirements for schools. There is a CDC order for face coverings on school bus transportation. Case notification to the local health department and contact tracing are required by the Michigan Public Health Code. Schools must continue to follow the MDHHS Order Reporting of Confirmed and Probable Cases at Schools, which requires schools to post data about case counts on their websites. Schools should continue to follow their infectious disease policies, such as requiring students and staff to stay home when sick.

Windover High School will be requiring staff and students to wear face masks while in the building based on the information from MDHHS and CDC. When the MDHHS notifies schools that the number of COVID-19 cases in Midland County has reduced enough to assure student and staff safety, the board will revisit the mask-wearing policy. 

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